
Retract("SolveSteps", All);

//Note:tk:Perhaps create a function called Value that obtains the value that is assigned to a variable
// without evaluating the variable first.

LocalSymbols(stepsList, maximumSteps, )
// currentStep := 0;

StepAppend(stepInfo) :=
        Append!(stepsList, stepInfo);
        If(maximumSteps !=? Infinity)
            If(Length(stepsList) >? maximumSteps)
                ExceptionThrow("MAXIMUM?STEPS?REACHED", "The maximum number of steps have been reached.");

//Echo("***** STEP: ", currentStep++);

MetaLevelMain(equation, unknown, options) :=
    Local(rest, currentEquation, path, showTree, stepInfo, match?, metamethodsAll, metamethodsUndefine);
    metamethodsAll :=
        UNDEFINE?UNARY?MINUS, //"UndefineNegationOperators",
        UNDEFINE?BINARY?MINUS, //"UndefineSubtractionOperators",
        ELIMINATE?UNKNOWN, //"EliminateUnknown",
        MOVE?RIGHTMOST, //"MoveUnknownsToRightmostPositions",
        HIGHER?UNKNOWNS, //"HigherUnknowns",
        MAKE?COEFFICIENT?EXPLICIT, //"MakeCoefficientsExplicit",
    metamethodsUndefine :=

    // Global.
    stepsList := [];
    // Remove all negation operators that have numbers as operands.
    equation := (equation /: [-$ q_Number? <- SubtractN(0,1) * q]);
    stepInfo := [];
    stepInfo["ReplacementExp"] := None == None;
    stepInfo["RuleName"] := "Equation";
    stepInfo["DescriptionObjectLevel"] := "The original equation.";
    stepInfo["OriginalExp"] := [equation, "", a_Atom?::(!? UnderscoreConstant?(a)), "ORANGE"];
    stepInfo["Unknown"] := unknown;


    If(options["ControlRandom"] =? True)
        equation := StepRandom(equation, unknown, options);
        [equation, match?] := MoveUnknownsToLHS(equation, unknown);
        If(options["UnburySimple"] !=? True)
            equation := EliminateCopiesOfUnknown(equation, unknown, metamethodsAll, True);

        If(OccurrencesCount(equation, unknown) =? 1)
            equation := EliminateCopiesOfUnknown(equation, unknown, metamethodsUndefine, False);
            equation := UnburyUnknown(equation, unknown);
            equation := Undefined;
            stepInfo := [];
            stepInfo["ReplacementExp"] := [equation, [["", _, "ORANGE"]]];
            stepInfo["RuleName"] := "Failed multiple occurrence method.";
            stepInfo["DescriptionObjectLevel"] := "Failed multiple occurrence method.";
            stepInfo["OriginalExp"] := [unknown, []];

        [equation, match?] := Evaluate(equation, unknown, 2, "Prepatory");


UnburyUnknown(equation, unknown) :=
    Local(path, currentEquation, stepInfo);
    stepInfo := [];

    //stepInfo["Method"] := "Unbury";

    // The Rest here removes the effect of the '==' operator on the position.
    path := Rest(PositionStringToList(First(PositionsPattern2(equation, unknown))));

    ForEach(pathNumber, path)
            Todo:tk: The division in the following example causes a list of equations to be returned:
            In> Show(StepsView(SolveSteps( ((a_^2 * 7/b_)/c_^3 * d_^2)/ 5* e_ == f_, b_) , ShowTree: True))
            Code needs to be added here that will handle a list of equations.

        equation := Otherside(pathNumber, equation);

StepRandom(equation, unknown, options) :=
    Local(lhs, rhs, rhsString, pattern, positions, position, negativeOne, equationWithSubstitution, lhsCopy, rhsCopy, oldEquation, rulesCount, match?, stepsToTake);
    Local(equationWithSubstitution,  pattern, position, positions, stepInfo, match?);// rule, rules,
    match? := False;
    rules := MapSingle("PopBack", Select(?rulebaseElementaryAlgebra, Lambda([rule], rule[2]["Type"] !=? None &? Contains?(rule[2] ["Type"], TEXTBOOK) )));
    oldEquation := None;
    ?loopCount := 0;
    stepsToTake := Decide(options["StepsToTake"] =? None, 5, options["StepsToTake"]);
    rulesCount := Length(rules);
    While(Length(stepsList) <=? stepsToTake)
        oldEquation := equation;

        //[equation, match?] := Apply(?metamethods[RandomInteger(methodCount)], [equation, unknown, 1]);
        rule := rules[RandomInteger(rulesCount)];
        pattern := rule["Head"];
        positions := PositionsPattern(equation, pattern);
        positions := Decide(positions =? [], positions, Rest(positions));
        If(Length(positions) >? 0)
            match? := True;
            position := positions[RandomInteger(Length(positions))];
            equationWithSubstitution := SubstitutePosition(equation, position, pattern, First(rule["Body"]));
            stepInfo := [];
            stepInfo["Head"] := rule["Head"];
            stepInfo["Body"] := rule["Body"];
            stepInfo["ReplacementExp"] := [equationWithSubstitution, [[position, _, "GREEN"]] ];
            stepInfo["RuleName"] := rule["RuleName"];
            stepInfo["DescriptionObjectLevel"] := rule["DescriptionObjectLevel"];
            stepInfo["OriginalExp"] := [equation, [[position, _, "ORANGE"]]];
            stepInfo["Position"] := position;
            stepInfo["ManualSequence"] := rule["ManualSequence"];
            equation := equationWithSubstitution;

//Echo(?metamethods[methodIndex], ", ", match?, ", ", methodIndex);

EliminateCopiesOfUnknown(equation, unknown, metamethods, stopWhenSingleOccurence?) :=
    Local(lhs, rhs, rhsString, pattern, positions, position, negativeOne, equationWithSubstitution, lhsCopy, rhsCopy, oldEquation, methodCount, methodIndex, match?, metaMethod);
    oldEquation := None;
    ?loopCount := 0;
    methodCount := Length(metamethods);
    methodIndex := 1;
    While(methodIndex <=? methodCount) //?loopCount <? 200 &? 
        oldEquation := equation;

        metaMethod := metamethods[methodIndex];
            [equation, match?] := Apply(metaMethod, [equation, unknown, 1, metaMethod]);
            [equation, match?] :=  MetaLevelProcess(equation, unknown, 1, metaMethod);
        If(stopWhenSingleOccurence? &? OccurrencesCount(equation, unknown) =? 1)

        // Echo(metamethods[methodIndex], ", ", match?, ", ", methodIndex, equation);
            methodIndex := 1;
            methodIndex := methodIndex + 1;

MetaLevelProcess(equation, unknown, side, structuralEffect) :=
    Local(equationWithSubstitution, rules, head, guard, position, positions, stepInfo, match?, metaLevelRule);
    metaLevelRule := ?rulebaseMetaLevel[structuralEffect];

    match? := False;
    rules := MapSingle("PopBack", Select(?rulebaseElementaryAlgebra, Lambda([rule], rule[2]["StructuralEffect"] !=? None &? Contains?(rule[2] ["StructuralEffect"], structuralEffect) )));
    ForEach(rule, rules)
        guard := Substitute(_unknown, unknown) First(rule["Guard"]);
        head := `( @rule["Head"]::@guard );
        positions := PositionsPattern(equation, head);

        If(Length(positions) >? 0)
            match? := True;
            position := First(positions);
            equationWithSubstitution := SubstitutePosition(equation, position, head, First(rule["Body"]) );    
            stepInfo := [];
            stepInfo["Method"] := metaLevelRule["RuleName"];
            stepInfo["Head"] := rule["Head"];
            stepInfo["Body"] := rule["Body"];
            stepInfo["ReplacementExp"] := [equationWithSubstitution, [[position, _, "GREEN"]] ];
            stepInfo["RuleName"] := rule["RuleName"];
            stepInfo["DescriptionObjectLevel"] := rule["DescriptionObjectLevel"];
            stepInfo["OriginalExp"] := [equation, [[position, _, "ORANGE"]]];
            stepInfo["Position"] := position;
            stepInfo["ManualSequence"] := rule["ManualSequence"];
            equation := equationWithSubstitution;
    [equation, match?];

MoveUnknownsToLHS(equation, unknown) := 
    Local(equationWithSubstitution, rule, pattern, position, positions, patternVariables, q, r, stepInfo, match?);
    match? := False;
    rule := ?rulebaseElementaryAlgebra["Otherside RHS"];

    pattern := `(@rule["Head"]::(OccurrencesCount(r, @unknown) >? 0));

    positions := PositionsPattern(equation, pattern);

    If(Length(positions) >? 0)
        match? := True;
        position := First(positions);
        patternVariables := [];
        equationWithSubstitution := SubstitutePosition(equation, position, pattern, First(rule["Body"]), patternVariables );

        q := patternVariables[q_];
        r := patternVariables[r_];

        stepInfo := [];
        stepInfo["Method"] := "Preperation";
        stepInfo["Head"] := rule["Head"];
        stepInfo["Body"] := rule["Body"];
        stepInfo["ReplacementExp"] := [equationWithSubstitution, [["1", a_Atom?, "GREEN"], ["1,2", _, "GREEN"]] ];
        stepInfo["RuleName"] := rule["RuleName"];
        stepInfo["DescriptionObjectLevel"] := Eval(First(rule["DescriptionObjectLevel"]));
        stepInfo["OriginalExp"] := [q -$ r ==$ r -$ r, [["1", a_Atom?, "ORANGE"], ["1,2", _, "ORANGE"], ["2", a_Atom?, "ORANGE"], ["2,2", _, "ORANGE"]] ];
        stepInfo["Position"] := position;
        stepInfo["ManualSequence"] := rule["ManualSequence"];
        equation := equationWithSubstitution;
    [equation, match?];

CloserUnknownPath(equation, unknown, side, metaMethodName) :=
    Local(equationWithSubstitution, rules, head, distanceBefore, distanceAfter, subexpressionBefore, subexpressionDistanceBefore, subexpressionAfter, subexpressionDistanceAfter, position, positions, stepInfo, breakForEach, match?);
    match? := False;
    rules := MapSingle("PopBack", Select(?rulebaseElementaryAlgebra, Lambda([rule], rule[2]["StructuralEffect"] !=? None &? Contains?(rule[2] ["StructuralEffect"], CLOSER?UNKNOWNS?PATH) )));
    breakForEach := False;
    ForEach(rule, rules)
        head :=  rule["Head"];
        positions := PositionsPattern(equation, head);

        While(Length(positions) >? 0)
            position := First(positions);
            subexpressionBefore := PositionGet((equation), position);
//    aa := (PositionsPattern(subexpressionBefore, unknown));

            subexpressionDistanceBefore := SymbolPathDistanceTotal(subexpressionBefore, unknown);
            distanceBefore := SymbolPathDistanceTotal(equation, unknown);
            equationWithSubstitution := SubstitutePosition(equation, position, head, First(rule["Body"]) );
            subexpressionAfter := PositionGet((equationWithSubstitution), position);
//    bb := (PositionsPattern(subexpressionAfter, unknown));
            subexpressionDistanceAfter := SymbolPathDistanceTotal(subexpressionAfter, unknown);
            distanceAfter := SymbolPathDistanceTotal(equationWithSubstitution, unknown);

            If(distanceAfter <? distanceBefore |? subexpressionDistanceAfter <? subexpressionDistanceBefore)
            {    //todo:tk:metalevel.
                match? := True;
                stepInfo := [];
                stepInfo["Method"] := metaMethodName;
                stepInfo["Head"] := rule["Head"];
                stepInfo["Body"] := rule["Body"];
                stepInfo["ReplacementExp"] := [equationWithSubstitution, [[position, _, "GREEN"]] ];
                stepInfo["RuleName"] := rule["RuleName"];
                stepInfo["DescriptionObjectLevel"] := rule["DescriptionObjectLevel"];
                stepInfo["OriginalExp"] := [equation, [[position, _, "ORANGE"]]];
                stepInfo["Position"] := position;
                stepInfo["ManualSequence"] := rule["ManualSequence"];
                stepInfo["Path"] := PositionsPattern(equation, unknown);
                stepInfo["Unknown"] := unknown;
                equation := equationWithSubstitution;
                breakForEach := True;
        If(breakForEach =? True)
    [equation, match?];

CloserUnknownHorizontal(equation, unknown, side, metaMethodName) :=

    Local(equationWithSubstitution, rules, head, guard, position, positions, stepInfo, match?);
    match? := False;
    rules := MapSingle("PopBack", Select(?rulebaseElementaryAlgebra, Lambda([rule], rule[2]["StructuralEffect"] !=? None &? Contains?(rule[2] ["StructuralEffect"], CLOSER?UNKNOWNS?HORIZONTAL) )));
    ForEach(rule, rules)
        guard := Substitute(_unknown, unknown) First(rule["Guard"]);
        head := `( @rule["Head"]::@guard );
        positions := PositionsPattern(equation, head);

        If(Length(positions) >? 0)
            match? := True;
            position := First(positions);
            equationWithSubstitution := SubstitutePosition(equation, position, head, First(rule["Body"]) );    
            stepInfo := [];
            stepInfo["Method"] := metaMethodName;
            stepInfo["Head"] := rule["Head"];
            stepInfo["Body"] := rule["Body"];
            stepInfo["ReplacementExp"] := [equationWithSubstitution, [[position ~ "," ~ rule["Subposition"], _, "GREEN"]] ];
            stepInfo["RuleName"] := rule["ManualRuleEquivalent"];
            stepInfo["MetaRuleName"] := rule["RuleName"];
            stepInfo["DescriptionObjectLevel"] := rule["DescriptionObjectLevel"];
            stepInfo["OriginalExp"] := [equation, [[position ~ "," ~ rule["Subposition"], _, "ORANGE"]]];
            stepInfo["Position"] := position ~ "," ~ rule["Subposition"];
            stepInfo["MetaPosition"] := position;
            stepInfo["ManualSequence"] := ?rulebaseElementaryAlgebra[rule["ManualRuleEquivalent"]]["ManualSequence"];
            equation := equationWithSubstitution;
    [equation, match?];

Otherside(side, equation) :=

    Local(equationWithSubstitution, position, positions, rules, head, guard, patternVariables, term1, term2, lhs, rhs, stepInfo, q, r, manualRule1, manualRule2);    
    rules := MapSingle("PopBack", Select(?rulebaseElementaryAlgebra, Lambda([rule], rule[2]["StructuralEffect"] !=? None &? Contains?(rule[2] ["StructuralEffect"], OTHERSIDE) )));
    manualRule1 := ?rulebaseElementaryAlgebra["Otherside 1 [=]"];
    manualRule2 := ?rulebaseElementaryAlgebra["Otherside 2 [=]"];
    ForEach(rule, rules)
        If(side =? rule["Side"])
            head := `( @rule["Head"] );

            positions := PositionsPattern(equation, head);
            If(Length(positions) >? 0)
                position := First(positions);
                If(rule["RuleName"] !=? "DivideRightOtherside")
                    patternVariables := [];
                    equationWithSubstitution := SubstitutePosition(equation, position, head, First(rule["Body"]), patternVariables);
                    q := patternVariables[q_];
                    r := patternVariables[r_];
                    lhs := patternVariables[lhs_];
                    rhs := patternVariables[rhs_];
                    stepInfo := [];
                    stepInfo["Head"] := rule["Head"];
                    stepInfo["Body"] := rule["Body"];
                    stepInfo["ReplacementExp"] := [equationWithSubstitution, [] ]; // todo:tk: [["1", a_Atom?::(!? UnderscoreConstant?(a)), "RED"]]
                    stepInfo["RuleName"] := rule["RuleName"];
                    stepInfo["DescriptionObjectLevel"] := Eval(First(rule["DescriptionObjectLevel"]));
                    stepInfo["OriginalExp"] := Eval(First(rule["Before"]));
                    stepInfo["Position"] := position;
                    stepInfo["ManualSequence"] := Decide(side =? 1, manualRule1["ManualSequence"], manualRule2["ManualSequence"]);
                    // First substep.
                    patternVariables := [];
                    equationWithSubstitution := SubstitutePosition(equation, position, head, First(rule["Body"])[1], patternVariables);
                    q := patternVariables[q_];
                    r := patternVariables[r_];
                    lhs := patternVariables[lhs_];
                    rhs := patternVariables[rhs_];
                    stepInfo := [];
                    stepInfo["Head"] := rule["Head"];
                    stepInfo["Body"] := ListToFunction([ToAtom("'"), First(rule["Body"])[1]]);
                    stepInfo["ReplacementExp"] := [equationWithSubstitution, [] ]; // todo:tk: [["1", a_Atom?::(!? UnderscoreConstant?(a)), "RED"]]
                    stepInfo["RuleName"] := rule["RuleName"];
                    stepInfo["DescriptionObjectLevel"] := Eval(First(rule["DescriptionObjectLevel"])[1]);
                    stepInfo["OriginalExp"] := Eval(First(rule["Before"])[1]);
                    stepInfo["Position"] := position;
                    stepInfo["ManualSequence"] := Decide(side =? 1, manualRule1["ManualSequence"], manualRule2["ManualSequence"]);

                    // Second substep.
                    patternVariables := [];
                    equationWithSubstitution := SubstitutePosition(equation, position, head, First(rule["Body"])[2], patternVariables);
                    q := patternVariables[q_];
                    r := patternVariables[r_];
                    lhs := patternVariables[lhs_];
                    rhs := patternVariables[rhs_];
                    stepInfo := [];
                    stepInfo["Head"] := rule["Head"];
                    stepInfo["Body"] := ListToFunction([ToAtom("'"), First(rule["Body"])[2]]);
                    stepInfo["ReplacementExp"] := [equationWithSubstitution, [] ]; // todo:tk: [["1", a_Atom?::(!? UnderscoreConstant?(a)), "RED"]]
                    stepInfo["RuleName"] := rule["RuleName"];
                    stepInfo["DescriptionObjectLevel"] := Eval(First(rule["DescriptionObjectLevel"])[2]);
                    stepInfo["OriginalExp"] := Eval(First(rule["Before"])[2]);
                    stepInfo["Position"] := position;
                    stepInfo["ManualSequence"] := Decide(side =? 1, manualRule1["ManualSequence"], manualRule2["ManualSequence"]);

                equation := equationWithSubstitution;



CanEvaluate?(exp) :=
    result := (exp /:
         (q_ ^$ r_)::(UnderscoreConstantsAll(q) =? [] &? UnderscoreConstantsAll(r) =? []) <- True,
         (q_ /$ r_)::(UnderscoreConstantsAll(q) =? [] &? UnderscoreConstantsAll(r) =? [] &? r !=? 0 ) <- True, //&? (Number?(q) &? Number?(r))
         (q_ *$ r_)::(UnderscoreConstantsAll(q) =? [] &? UnderscoreConstantsAll(r) =? []) <- True,
         // (q_ *$ (r_ *$ s_))::(UnderscoreConstantsAll(q) =? [] &? UnderscoreConstantsAll(r) =? []) <- True, // todo:tk:short circuit the associative law of *.
         (q_ -$ r_)::(UnderscoreConstantsAll(q) =? [] &? UnderscoreConstantsAll(r) =? []) <- True,
         (q_ +$ r_)::(UnderscoreConstantsAll(q) =? [] &? UnderscoreConstantsAll(r) =? []) <- True,
         //(-$ q_)::(UnderscoreConstantsAll(q) =? [] &? !? Number?(q)) <- True
    Decide(result, True, False);

EvaluateDo(exp) :=
    (exp /::
         "Exponentation" # q_ ^$ r_ <- q^r,
         "Negation" # -$ q_ <- (SubtractN(0,1) * q),
         //SinD_(q_Number?) <- SinD(q),
         //CosD_(q_Number?) <- CosD(q),
         //TanD_(q_Number?) <- TanD(q),
         "Division" # (q_ /$ r_)::(!? Zero?(r)) <- q/r,
         "Multiplication" # q_ *$ r_ <- q*r,
         "Addition" # q_ +$ r_ <- q+r,
         // q_Number? *$ (r_Number? *$ s_) <- q*r *$ s, // todo:tk:short circuit the associative law of *.
         "Subtraction" # q_ -$ r_ <- q-r,

Evaluate(equation, unknown, side, metaMethodName) :=
    Local(equationWithSubstitution, position, positions, stepInfo, match?);
    match? := False;
    // Remove all negation operators that have numbers as operands.
    equation := (equation /: [-$ q_Number? <- SubtractN(0,1) * q]);
    positions := PositionsPredicate(equation, "CanEvaluate?");

    If(Length(positions) >? 0)
        position := First(positions);
        If(position[1] =? ToString(side))
            match? := True;
            equationWithSubstitution := SubstitutePosition(equation, position, _, EvaluateDo(PositionGet(equation, position)) );
            stepInfo := [];
            stepInfo["ReplacementExp"] := [equationWithSubstitution, [[position, _, "GREEN"]] ];
            stepInfo["RuleName"] := "Evaluate";
            stepInfo["DescriptionObjectLevel"] := "Arithmetic.";
            stepInfo["OriginalExp"] := [equation, [[position, _, "ORANGE"]]];
            stepInfo["Position"] := position;
            stepInfo["ManualSequence"] := ?rulebaseElementaryAlgebra["Arithmetic"]["ManualSequence"];
            equation := equationWithSubstitution;
            positions := Rest(positions);

    // Remove all negation operators that have numbers as operands.
    equation := (equation /: [-$ q_Number? <- SubtractN(0,1) * q]);
    [equation, match?];

TexFormNoDollarSigns(equation) := 
    ToAtom(ListToString(Remove(StringToList(UnparseLatex(RemoveDollarSigns(equation))),"$"), ""));

ToLatex(string) :=
    string := Substitute('SubtractN(0,1), -1) string; 
    string := ToString(string);
    string := StringReplace(string, "$", "");
    string := StringReplace(string, " ", "\\ ");
    string := StringReplace(string, "==$", "=");
    string := StringReplace(string, "==", "=");
    string := StringReplace(string, "_", "\\_");

LineForm(steps) :=
    originalEquation := First(steps);
    Echo(MetaToObject(originalEquation["OriginalExp"][1]), "   ", MetaToObject(originalEquation["DescriptionObjectLevel"]));
    ForEach(a, Rest(steps))
        Echo(MetaToObject(a["ReplacementExp"][1]), "   ", MetaToObject(a["DescriptionObjectLevel"]));

// SolveSteps

RulebaseListedHoldArguments("SolveSteps",["equation", "unknown", "optionsList"]);

//Handle no options call.
5 # SolveSteps(equation_, unknown_) <-- SolveSteps(equation, unknown, []);

//Main routine.  It will automatically accept two or more option calls because the
//options come in a list.
10 # SolveSteps(equation_, unknown_, optionsList_List?) <--
    Local(options, path, steps, caughtException);
    RulebaseElementaryAlgebra(); // Load the rules into memory.
    Check(PositionsPredicate(equation,  Lambda([x], UnderscoreConstant?(x) &? StringEndsWith?(ToString(x), "_"))) =? [], 
        "The equation must not contain any constants that end with an \"_\" character.");
    options := OptionsToAssociationList(optionsList);

    equation := ObjectToMeta(equation);
    unknown := ObjectToMeta(unknown);
    Check(OccurrencesCount(equation, unknown) >? 0, "The variable " ~ ToString(unknown) ~ " does not occur in the equation.");
    maximumSteps := Decide(Integer?(options["MaximumSteps"]), options["MaximumSteps"], Infinity); // Global.
    caughtException := ExceptionCatch(MetaLevelMain(equation, unknown, options), "MAXIMUM?STEPS?REACHED", ExceptionGet());
    stepsList; //todo:tk:Copy(stepsList) ?

//Handle a single option call because the option does not come in a list for some reason.
20 # SolveSteps(equation_, unknown_, singleOption_) <-- SolveSteps(equation, unknown, [singleOption]);

} // End local symbols.

//LineForm(SolveSteps(MathParse("(8*x - 2 == -9 + 7*x)"), _x));


This is the isolation procedure message.
"\\GREENtnotesize \\mbox{
The dominant operator on the left side of an equation is the\\\\
operator that has the lowest precedence. This is always the top \\\\
operator on the left side of the equation's expression tree.\\\\
The expression tree of an equation that has only one occurrence\\\\
of the unknown to be isolated can be solved using the following\\\\
1) Identify the operator that is at the top of the left side of the\\\\
\\hspace{.5in}tree (it is highlighted in the trees below).\\\\
2) Identify the operand of this operator that does not contain the\\\\
\\hspace{.75in}unknown to be isolated.\\\\
3) Remove the top operator (along with the operand from step 2)\\\\
\\hspace{.5in}from the left side of the tree, and add the inverse of\\\\
\\hspace{.5in}this operator (along with the operand from step 2) to\\\\
\\hspace{.5in}the top of the right side of the tree.\\\\


%mathpiper_docs,name="SolveSteps",categories="Mathematics Procedures;Solvers (Symbolic)",access="experimental"
*CMD SolveSteps --- produce the steps that are needed to solve an equation

    SolveSteps(equation, unknown)

{equation} -- an equation

{unknown} -- the variable to solve for

Produce the steps that are needed to solve an equation. Returns the steps in a list.
Note: only equations that have a single occurrence of the unknown to be
solved for are currently supported.


In> SolveSteps( ((- _a) * _b )/ _c + _d == _e , _a)

*SEE StepsView


Verify(SolveSteps( ((- a_) * b_ )/ c_ + d_ == e_ , a_), 
[[d_ -$ (a_ *$ b_) /$ c_ ==$ e_,"Equation","The original equation.",a_],[(a_ *$ b_) /$ c_ ==$ d_ -$ e_,"Subtraction2","\\text{Add }d_\\text{ to both sides:}",(d_ +$ d_) -$ (a_ *$ b_) /$ c_ ==$ e_ +$ d_],[a_ *$ b_ ==$ (d_ -$ e_) *$ c_,"Division1","\\text{Multiply both sides by }c_\\text{:}",c_ *$ (a_ *$ b_) /$ c_ ==$ (d_ -$ e_) *$ c_],[a_ ==$ ((d_ -$ e_) *$ c_) /$ b_,"Multiplication1","\\text{Divide both sides by }b_\\text{:}",(a_ *$ b_) /$ b_ ==$ ((d_ -$ e_) *$ c_) /$ b_]]);


- See "Arithmetic and Algebra", Proga, p.368 for simplification examples.

> It would help if students can see 2 sentential
> lines not just one. The one before the operation
> and then the one after the operation so they can
> see the difference. Otherwise they might need to
> go back and forth. (Robert Mendris)

- Undefine division only when the unknown is in the numerator?


- Guards appear to be meta-level information.
- In SolveSteps, almost all of the methods should be collapsable
into a single method. Even methods with single rules such as
negation and binary subtraction.
- Split the rulebase into meta-level rules and object-level rules. The
meta-level rules can consist of traditional collection, canceling, etc.
- Maybe collection, etc. are theorems?